Broken arm!

I guess we were due!  Younger son broke his arm last night.  He was running around the park jumping over those chain barracades they have on the sides of some parking lots and roads.  Of course, the one that didn’t have grass beside it was the one that he caught his foot on (Murphy’s Law).

We took him to the emergency room and they took him right in.  They gave him some pain medication pretty quickly, thank goodness.  They did x-rays and were going to cast the arm, but while they were waiting for access to the portable x-ray machine, the bone doctors decided he would need surgery.  Apparently since the bone is broken all the way through, it would be hard to make the bone stay in place with just a cast, so they have to put some hardware in there.  They put a splint on him and sent us away with a prescription and the phone number for the surgeon.  Overall, a fun night.

On the bright side, it’s his right arm, so maybe NOW the school will help my son with the  note taking…that’s another story, though. 

We all thought it would’ve been funny if we’d gotten home before the end of the day so that we could tell people that he’d broken his arm and they wouldn’t believe us, because it was April Fool’s Day!  Too bad we didn’t get back till after 1:00 a.m.

We’re going to frame this:


My son said something about this being his first broken bone. Huh?  Ya thinking of doing this AGAIN!?

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3 Responses to Broken arm!

  1. Laura says:

    It is my daughter’s DREAM to break something! Silly girl!

    She even made a wrist cast out of cardboard and duct tape!!

    • admin says:

      Kids sure are funny that way! Well, if she ever does fulfill that dream (yikes), let’s hope the reality lives up to her fantasy of it! I think my son is enjoying all the attention…so maybe it IS worth it to the kids. (And they call US crazy!)

  2. admin says:

    Kids sure are funny that way! Well, if she ever does fulfill that dream (yikes), let’s hope the reality lives up to her fantasy of it! I think my son is enjoying all the attention…so maybe it IS worth it to the kids. (And they call US crazy!)

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